Our Services
At Joya, we believe in every child’s potential. Many parents come to us with a diagnosis and a list of what their child “won’t be able to do.” We don’t accept those limits. Instead, we partner with families on a journey to uncover what’s possible. We explore every avenue for each child’s success, working to improve health and enrich lives.
Achieving The Impossible
Sometimes, we achieve what seems impossible. We’ve helped children who were never expected to walk take their first steps, and those who were told they might never speak say their first words.
Joya Child & Family Development is unique in our region, proudly recognized as Eastern Washington’s only Neurodevelopmental Center of Excellence (NDC). Learn more about what sets Joya apart as an NDC.
Our Impact
Our Comprehensive Assessment Program
A team of professionals will work with you to evaluate your child’s development. Based on your child’s strengths and needs, the evaluating team will determine whether your child is eligible for services. If your child needs services, our team will give you information about the type, frequency and duration of services they are recommending.

Team Evaluation
Our team, consisting of a special education teacher, physical therapist, occupational therapist and speech therapist, will assess your child in all areas of development through observation and parent or caregiver interview. Our team will review their findings with you and will provide you with detailed written reports.

Medical Evaluation
The evaluation team may request your child receive a medical evaluation with our Medical Director, Dr. Matt Thompson, in a separate appointment. He will review your child’s medical records, examine your child, and make recommendations to you and your child’s primary care provider.

Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
An Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) is a plan for special services for young children with developmental delays. This plan is created by you, your Family Resource Coordinator (FRC) and treatment team at Joya. It describes your child’s abilities, your family’s priorities and the services we will provide to help your child develop to their fullest potential.