Our History
From Respite Care to a Neurodevelopmental Center of Excellence
Joya’s journey began in 1960 as the Spokane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center, founded by a group of compassionate women who provided respite care for families of children with developmental disabilities. Over the decades, we’ve grown from a volunteer-led initiative into a Neurodevelopmental Center of Excellence, staffed by certified teachers, therapists, pediatric nurses, a pediatrician, and social workers. Today, we serve more than 600 children in Spokane County, offering the expertise and resources that empower both kids and their families to flourish.

The history of the Spokane Guilds’ School began September 29, 1960 when the guilds, a group of caring women, began providing respite care for parents of children with developmental disabilities or delays. None of the program’s founders were parents of disabled children, but were community-minded individuals who shared a special awareness and concern. These volunteer groups were mutually interested in educating the community about disabilities, while at the same time caring for children and families.

In 1979, the school opened the neuromuscular center at the request of, and with the assistance of, Washington State’s Crippled Children’s Services; it was designated as Eastern Washington’s first neuromuscular center, a comprehensive evaluation center for children with developmental disabilities. The school’s name was officially changed to the Spokane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center at this time.

In August of 1982, the school realized a dream of over 20 years, when it moved into a new facility at 2118 West Garland on Spokane’s north side. The former Garland School was renovated through a cooperative effort of the Guilds’ School, the State of Washington and Spokane School Public Schools. Funding from Referendum #37 paid for the renovation of the school which would serve the Guilds’ School for decades to come.

In 1983, the Board of Directors created a separate non-profit corporation called the Spokane Guilds’ School Foundation (now the Joya Foundation). The purpose was to raise and manage a fund to create a stable financial base for the operation of the school. Annual disbursements are made for the operation of the school. A volunteer board of up to 30 Trustees is comprised of community leaders who work to significantly increase the endowment fund.

In 1996, the “Kids for Kids Penny Drive” was created as part of the endowment campaign to support the Foundation. The penny drive is a community service project designed to educate and involve school age children in understanding and helping children with special needs. It continues to this day.

In March of 2019 we embarked on a new name and brand that better reflects the joy, positivity, care and experience we deliver to children and families.
The strategic decision to rebrand as Joya Child & Family Development comes at an exciting time of change and growth for our organization. With plans underway for a larger facility in the University District, we aim to double our capacity so we can serve more children and families in Spokane County. The new name and brand bring greater awareness around the total care we provide to help children realize their potential.

It was a day decades in the making. On May 20, 2022, Joya cut the ribbon on our new home, ushering in a new era in our 62-year history. After nearly 40 years operating out of a surplus school building on Garland Avenue, we were thrilled to move into a brand new, custom-designed facility, which is centrally located in Spokane’s University District. Hundreds turned out to mark the occasion and tour the building.

Honoring The Guilds
It’s hard to believe, but it has been 65 years since the Spokane Guilds’ School, now Joya, was started by a group of caring women in our community. Joya is forever tied to the Guilds and their decades of care and love for kiddos with special needs and their families will never be forgotten.
In 2020, The Hearts of Joya Award was given to the various Guilds’ in recognition of the lifechanging work started by these amazing women. Their work and history is outlined in this video.
Their dedication to the children and families in our community has helped thousands of children and has allowed Joya to grow from volunteer-led organization to a Neurodevelopmental Center of Excellence!