Friends of Joya, check out the message below from current Joya mom, Alicia. Bundle up and head over to Spokane Riverfront Park (tomorrow, 10/29) after tuning in to our virtual Hearts of Joya Event!
“Did you know you yourself or an organization can light up the Pavillon at Spokane Washington’s Riverfront Park?! I had no idea!
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. I will stop at nothing to advocate for my son and educate the world around him. Over the weekend I submitted an application to light with the Pavillion with Down Syndrome colors. I found out today that my request was APPROVED and the city said “Glad we can support such a worthy cause!” Next Thursday night October 29th the Pavillion will light up with blue and yellow for the night! How exciting, right?! Cruz and I plan on going down to watch and get some pictures!! So if you’re free, bundle yourself and the kids up and come on down and visit with us”