meet the team

Carol Hendershot

Lead Physical Therapist

At Joya since 1990

Practicing Physical Therapist since 1981

Carol, a native Pennsylvanian, moved to Spokane as a newlywed in January 1990. She started work in March after hearing about Joya Child & Family Development. Carol had previously worked at an Easterseals center prior to moving. Both nonprofits had a similar mission and program (offering individual and group therapy sessions). Carol completed the eight-week Neurodevelopmental Training (NDT) in 1994. In 2001, she completed the three-week advanced baby NDT training. Inspired by two co-workers, she completed work for her doctorate of physical therapy degree in 2016. Carol feels privileged to work with such a well-trained and dedicated staff. She is blessed to work for an agency that values treating children and families regardless of their ability to pay. She loves meeting and working with the children and their families.

Carol and her husband, Rich, have one son. In her spare time she enjoys quilting, card-making and exploring Washington wineries.


  • Bachelor of Science, Physical Therapy, Quinnipiac University
  • Doctorate of Physical Therapy, University of Montana