Physical Therapist
At Joya since 1992
Practicing Physical Therapist since 1992
Cheryl is a Spokane native who has always been interested in the sciences, especially in relationship to the functioning human body. She found her first job at Joya Child & Family Development after earning her bachelor’s degree in physical therapy. Cheryl immediately found her calling. Cheryl loves working with children, birth to 3. During that developmental window, a child’s brain is extremely malleable and there is tremendous potential to set children and their families up for success early-on and for life.
She loves working for a nonprofit that provides needed services for all children without regard to ability to pay. There is no place she’d rather work! She plans to keep helping the families and children at Joya until retirement! Cheryl has specialized training in infant massage instruction for parents and caregivers. Her favorite thing about working at Joya is all the amazing, quality people she has met over the years. Cheryl says she’s a better person for having experiences with so many wonderful human beings. In her spare time, Cheryl enjoys kayaking, hiking and downhill skiing.
- Bachelor of Science, Biology, Eastern Washington University
- Bachelor of Science, Physical Therapy, University of Montana
- Doctorate of Physical Therapy, University of Montana