Rebekah Edvalson
Early Childhood Special Education Therapist
At Joya since 2014
Practicing Early Childhood Special Education since 2014
Rebekah, who has a bachelor’s degree in special education and early childhood special education, loves to work with infants and toddlers. She would hold a baby all day if you let her.
Rebekah grew up just north of Spokane in Newport, Washington. Her parents still live there, though her nine siblings have managed to spread out across the United States. Rebekah and her husband Aaron have four children, as a family they enjoy going to the movies, playing games, hosting dinners and just relaxing at home. Rebekah is incredibly committed to Joya. She takes great pride in her relationship-based approach, quality of care and attention she gives to each of her students as she believes the future of the world is in her classroom each day.
- Associate of Arts, Community Colleges of Spokane
- Bachelor of Arts, Special Education and Early Childhood Special Education, Eastern Washington University
- DIRFloortime®
- First aid/CPR
Supplemental Training
- Picture exchange communication (PEC) Level 1
- Myofascial release
- Effective play based therapy and early intervention