Did you know that Joya Child & Family Development never turns a family away for inability to pay for services? For more than 60 years, first as the Spokane Guilds’ School and now as Joya, our team has focused on what a child needs to succeed, not on what therapies or care they can afford. But we can’t do that without your support! Learn more about our annual Hearts of Joya appeal which helps us fund uncompensated care every year for kiddos facing developmental delays and disabilities.
Joya’s referrals are up 54% since 2020 and the need in our community just keeps growing! We are committed to serving as many kiddos as possible, regardless of their family’s ability to pay.
When you give to Joya, you are making a difference.
We get results:100% of our children show a gain in skills and more than half reach age-appropriate levels, meaning they will not require special services by the public school system.
When you give to Joya, you are giving hope.
Too often, parents are told there is little that can be done for their child with significant medical or developmental concerns. At Joya, we see things differently. We celebrate every milestone and see miracles happen every day. We’re here to give families hope.
What is developmental delay?
Skills such as taking a first step, smiling for the first time, and waving “bye-bye” are called developmental milestones. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act, and move. The first three years of life are critical for a child’s brain development and Joya is here to help families navigate any services they may need. While every child develops differently, Joya Child & Family Development recommends visiting Pathways at the link below for a baseline in childhood developmental milestones.