meet the team

Kristy Scheidt

Kristy Scheidt

Nurse Enrollment Coordinator / Lead Family Resources Coordinator

At Joya since 2011

Practicing Nurse since 1994

Kristy has had an interest in caring for others since an early age. She volunteered at Valley Hospital and Medical Center at age 13, gaining experience in a variety of departments. This volunteer opportunity led Kristy to apply to the Eastern Washington University nursing program where she graduated and became a registered nurse in 1994.

Experiences in home health, school nursing, and pediatric nursing have led Kristy to her greatest passion, which is working with children and their families as they begin their journey with early intervention services. As a nurse and family resources coordinator, Kristy works directly with families to support their questions, guide with referrals for medical specialists, and assist families in locating community resources. She is a Circle of Security Parenting facilitator and enjoys sharing this curriculum with the families she serves. Kristy is a wife and mom to two sons. She is an avid skier and enjoys wild Bunco parties.


  • Bachelor of Science, Nursing, Eastern Washington University


  • Circle of Security Facilitator Training