Help Kiddos like Ethan this Holiday Season

“When Ethan started at Joya, Steven and I felt uncertainty and fear about what this might mean. These feelings were quickly put at ease by the reassurance and kindness of the staff at Joya. It is because of Ethan’s dedicated therapists that we have witnessed remarkable growth and progress in his development. Ethan has overcome challenges and reached new milestones. The impact Joya has had on our family cannot be overstated.

– Heather, Steven, and Ethan


As we approach the end of the year, there is so much to look back on and be grateful for. I am especially happy to let you know that just like the children we serve, Joya met and exceeded our goals this past year! When we moved into our new facility in May of 2022, our eventual goal was to double our annual enrollment and we are well on our way! Joya served 509 children last fiscal year, up from 352 the year prior.

For decades, Joya has been dedicated to providing exceptional pediatric therapy and support services, while engaging families and removing financial barriers. We want to provide the best early intervention services to every child who needs it, regardless of what their family can afford. This incredible gift to our families is at the core of our mission and one that is only made possible by the generosity of so many. As our team continues to respond to the growing need in our community, I hope you will consider making a gift to Joya this holiday season. It’s a gift that will have a profound impact on the lives of the amazing children we serve, ensuring they get the vital early intervention therapy they need to reach their potential, in 2024 and beyond! Show your support and help children like Ethan this holiday season! 

Happy Holidays!

Colleen Fuchs

Joya Executive Director



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